Senin, 21 Januari 2013

View of Bandung City Hall

This time I just wanted to share the photos from the atmosphere of  Bandung city hall, but before it, i'll explain whre Bandung City Hall stay.

Bandung City Hall

located at  Wastukencana Street, Bandung in West Java

 Check this out.. 




Okay, Thus the pictures...

Thank u...  

Minggu, 20 Januari 2013


Haahh, libur panjang memang terkesan mengesankan apabila diisi dengan kegiatan perjalanan yang mengasikkan, tapi adapun yang berpendapat bahwa libur panjang membosankan dan menjenuhkan, kalau hanya dihabiskan dirumah saja. 

Hampir 2 bulan saya menjalani pekan sunyi di kampus, sebelum dan sesudah UAS. Daripada bete dirumah mending jalan-jalan di sekitar kota bandung. Nah, buat yang libur panjang dan pengen ngilangin penat atw sekedar me refress otak, datang aja ke Dago...

Peta Dago

To do point aja yee.. berikut dokumentasinya..


Dago Pakar



Dago Pakar


Selain Dago Pakar, singgahlah ke pemandangan tempat lainn yg berada disekitarnya seperti...

Citra Green Dago

Citra Green Dago

Citra Green Dago

Nah, kalo perut laper tinggal lari aja ke punclut lewat jalur tempat ini...

Jalur dari Citra G Dago ke Punclut


Kios tempat makan daerah punclut

Nah,begitulah kira-kira jalan alternatif mengusir kejenuhan selama libur panjang..




Selasa, 25 September 2012

Jingjirigil peak beauty Sariwangi

In my spare time, I wanted to write a story about the beauty of a place. And one of them is .... eng ing eng ..
Jingjirigil Peak Sariwangi

 Jingjirigil Sariwangi is tops in rural Sariwangi, Cihanjuang. The terrain is very beautiful, there are many pine trees, foliage green, the air is fresh. This place is perfect for use as a reflection for us who are having a complicated matter. Just vent to Allah by seeing his creation.

There are lots of farms, one of which is a garden cauliflower. Here's the picture..

Picture 1 (gardens and farmers)

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Not least with a view previously, there are images that make my eyes stared transfixed, the fir trees are so beautiful, here are the pictures.

the fir tress

There are also yellow flowers and other plants that I do not know it name. 
the cute flower

If you're at the top Jingjirigil Sariwangi, you will see a path branching 3, here are the pictures. 

Haaah .. Anyway my trip very enjoyable to see such a beautiful sight. By looking at it, feeling so upset I lost. 
Finally, the sun was setting at the time, so I had to go home, if I can not come home my mom scolded.

Okay, enough so I think the posts I've made on this blog. Hopefully can be useful. 

Thank you... :) Bye..